WA Cabinet Reshuffle

8 December 2014:

Western Australia Premier, Colin Barnett, announced a minor Cabinet reshuffle today.

National Party South West Region MLC, Colin Holt, fills the Cabinet vacancy left by the resignation of Terry Waldron. Mr Holt will become the Minister for Housing, and Racing and Gaming.

Water and Forestry Minister, Mia Davies, will add the Sport and Recreation portfolio to her current responsibilities.

Dean Nalder has been stripped of the Finance portfolio after claims of conflict of interest issues arising from his personal business activities. He will remain in Cabinet as Minister for Transport.

Police and Women’s Interests Minister, Liza Harvey, takes on the Training and Workforce Development portfolio from Deputy Premier Kim Hames, who picks up the Tourism portfolio in exchange.

Nationals Moore MLA, Shane Love, will become Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development and Lands, and Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development, after Mr Holt’s promotion to the Cabinet.

The new Ministers will be sworn in today. For more information, see Premier Barnett’s media release here.


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